Chrisbrown awashukuru ma fans wake kwa hili katika album yake HBOFAM

 Recording artist Chris Brown attends week eight of the BIG3 three on three basketball league at Staples Center on August 13, 2017 in Los Angeles, California

Chriss brown aliachia album yake kali san iliyo kuwa ian enda kwa jina la HEART BREAK ON AFULL MOON
Iliyo kuwa ina track 46 ambazo zote kwa sasa zina hadhi ya gold au platinum respect kupitia mtandao wake wa Instagram aliweka post ikionesha jinsi nyimbo zake zilivyo kuwa nakuwashukuru mshabiki kwani bila wao asinge weza fika pale .

"I wanna thank everyone who supports my music. ❤️ COULDNT BE MORE APPRECIATIVE," he wrote in the caption to the Instagram photo. Indeed, Brown has enjoyed an almost unprecedented amount of success over the past year, with the millions of streams and other online plays vaulting him in the Top Ten in terms of the RIAA's most certified singles artists in history. There's every indication that, with his fast-paced release schedule, Brown will continue to grow his numbers in the future.

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